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Categories: biogas

Furetank secures biogas supply as step towards fossil-free shipping

Furetank secures biogas supply as step towards fossil-free shipping

Liquefied biogas is one of the keys to fossil-free shipping – but lack of supply is a major issue. The Swedish shipping company Furetank has signed a letter of intent with Eskilstuna Biogas, enabling the development of a new biogas plant producing around 5,000 tonnes of LBG annually.

Ny anläggning för biogas blir steg mot fossilfri sjöfart

Ny anläggning för biogas blir steg mot fossilfri sjöfart

Flytande biogas är en av nycklarna till framtidens fossilfria sjöfart – men bristande tillgång är ett stort problem. Nu skriver Donsörederiet Furetank och Eskilstuna Biogas en avsiktsförklaring som gör det möjligt att bygga en ny anläggning som producerar runt 5 000 ton flytande biogas årligen.

A Swedish shipping company: not a giant but a leader

Furetank, based on Donsö in the Gothenburg archipelago, is a Swedish, family-owned shipping company active in tanker shipping since the early 1950’s. Furetank operates our own vessels and is a founding member of the Gothia Tanker Alliance: a market platform for small and intermediate product tankers, operating 40 vessels in European waters. We are not a giant but a leader – continuously striving to adopt green solutions for environment and climate.

Furetank Rederi AB

Korsholmebacke 1
430 82 Donsö